Welcome to Osaka GUEST HOUSE MATSU



There are 3 nearest stations around the guest house MATSU within a 10-minute walk, and access from Osaka Station is also very convenient from Kansai Airport.
In addition to sightseeing in Osaka, sightseeing to Kobe, Kyoto and Nara can also be reached within one hour.
Address 1-2-20, Matsu, Nishinari-ku, Osaka-shi,Osaka 5570034


Access map


From Shin-Osaka Station

  1.  From Shin-Osaka Station, take the Midosuji line towards Nakamuzu.
  2.  Get off at the Midosuji Line “Daikokucho” and transfer to the Yotsubashi Line in front of you.
  3.  Please get off at “Hanazonocho” at the first stop.
  4.  It is about 6 minutes on foot from ‘Hanazonocho’.


From Kansai Airport

  1.  Please get on the Nankai Line from Kansai Airport. (There is no train change at all trains.)
  2.  The limited express rapit is a train with a designated seat.
  3.  Please get off at “Tengachaya station”.
  4.  It is about 6 minutes on foot from ‘Tengachaya Station’.


Shinkansen /Airplane

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